blocks suck
locks rule
peace out ass
blocks suck
locks rule
peace out ass
blox <3 lox
its ok...
yea its ok...average can do betta!
More effort probably could have been put into this, but I only had 1.5 days to make it in and most of it was spent on the matrix falling text effect...
1)The graphics were chopy
2)The sound wasn't that good
its ok..
but i hate all that have strawberryclock as the king of thi portal
How dare you.
it was anoying
and it sukz
hail lord beefbrain
now i don't normaly......
now i don't normaly give clockflashes high ratings because i am a lock and i hate clocks but please make another one!That is my only wish 4 chistmas!Also for those who don't know that voice is called speakonia!iF U SERCH 4 IT ON GOOGLE U CAN USE IT IN FLASH!aNYWAY U r in my top artists and this flash is in the top u get a 6/5
Wow thanks i am honored
{insert funny thing}
Age 32, Male
being a layz fatass!
Joined on 7/8/05